Welcome to
Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church
Come join us for our Worship Service
Sundays at 10:00am
“I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep” – John 10:11
Updated: March 16, 2025
This Week… Sunday! We celebrated The Second Sunday of Lent; this week’s sermon was titled: ““You are Worth It” from Luke13: 31-35
Sunday Morning Bible Study with Pastor Joel, every Sunday, 9:00 am in the Chapel. We will be looking at the life and ministry of the prophet Elisha.
Lenten Midweek Potlucks: Every Wednesday night, at 6pm through the duration of Lent
Lent Midweek Service: Wednesdays at 7:00 pm. This lent we will explore the book of Daniel.
Want to Help make Easter Special for Kids at SOTV? K Berni is seeking filled Easter Eggs for our Easter egg hunt. These can be filled with candy (wrapped), or small toys, or stickers. Also, if you have empty 12 packs for eggs, Carole Woodward is looking for these for her “Resurrection Eggs” for the kids.
Fire Help and Response If you would like to help sister congregations with disaster relief you can check out the LCMS, Pacific Southwest District’s website at: https://www.psd-lcms.org/disaster-response. We will also do a door offering today. Thank you!
Coming Soon…
Men’s Breakfast and Bible Study: April 19th at 9:00am in the Community Room
March Fellowship: “Singing in the Rain” meet-up at MiraCosta College Sunday March 16th at 2 PM. Cost is $21 for general public, $18 for Senior/Military. Box office opens one hour before showtime, or tickets and seats can be chosen online at https://miracostatheatre.universitytickets.com/w/ There is no additional cost for purchasing online. Note: Children under 5 are not allowed in the theater.
Holy Week: (April 13th thru April 18th) Palm Sunday 13th at our Sunday Worship Service, Maundy Thursday Service April 17th at 7:00pm, and Good Friday Service at 7:00pm on April 18th.
SUNDAY WORSHIP: Every Sunday 10:00am. Our services are Lutheran in character, informal yet reverent, with both traditional and contemporary aspects. It’s easy to follow with everything printed out in the worship folder and on the screen. If you have any questions about our worship service check out our FAQ page or email the church at contact@svlchurch.org
Streaming Worship: We stream our services every Sunday at 10am on our Facebook page
Fellowship: Shepherd of the Valley is a friendly church! We embrace each other and LOVE to talk with each other! It’s a good thing… and we greatly encourage it. Our celebration continues after the worship service. You can sign-up for future weeks on fellowship table.
Hey Kids! There are fun activity bags hanging on a rack in the back of the church for any children who wish to use them. Please return the bag after the worship service.
Ministry Meeting: Meets the first Thursday of each month via zoom. If you have any desire to observe this meeting you are more than welcome to join in. Contact Bruce at (contact@svlchurch.org) if you wish to be sent the link.
Sunday – Adult Bible Study. Pastor Joel leads a Bible Study/discussion group on the book of Ruth. It’s at 9 a.m. in the chapel.
Tuesday Bible Study at the Kolkman’s. Is on a break. New study date yet to be determined
Thursday Bible Study at K’s house. The study is not meeting at the moment.
Men’s Bible Study usually Second Saturday (next study July 20) of each month 9:00 AM in the community building. Breakfast will be provided.
Sunday – Kids Connection on the first Sunday will be conducted in the community building following children’s message. Children ages 3 to high school will be escorted to the community building and return after service (after sermon if parents wish).
If you are interested in information about any study, email us at CONTACT@SVLCHURCH.ORG
Come Worship With Us
Sundays at 10am
Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church
4510 N River Rd
Oceanside, California 92057
Our mailing address is:
Shepherd of the Valley
PO Box 406
San Luis Rey, CA. 92068