NEWS: A blessed Thursday to all!

 PRAYERS: Today we especially pray for Kyle Ross. Kyle asks prayers for his parents: his fathers bad back and his moms’ dementia. He is thankful that his mother is able to walk again, with a walker, after recovering from a broken femur. Kyle also requests prayers for his anxiety but is thankful for God’s blessings. Also, he asks prayers for his daughter who is working but needed to move back home for financial reasons.

 READINGS: Psalm 32; 1 Kings 7:51-8:21; 2 Corinthians 3:1-18


Daily Devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries

“Where Will You Sit?”

Luke 14:7-11 – Now He [Jesus] told a parable to those who were invited, when He noticed how they chose the places of honor, saying to them, “When you are invited by someone to a wedding feast, do not sit down in a place of honor, lest someone more distinguished than you be invited by him, and he who invited you both will come and say to you, ‘Give your place to this person,’ and then you will begin with shame to take the lowest place. But when you are invited, go and sit in the lowest place, so that when your host comes he may say to you, ‘Friend, move up higher.’ Then you will be honored in the presence of all who sit at table with you. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”

When I was young, I took these words of Jesus to be exactly what they seem on the surface: excellent advice on how not to make a fool of yourself at a party. People who push themselves into areas reserved for the family of the bridal couple are likely to find themselves reseated; people who hang back and behave modestly are often (not always!) rewarded when their host makes a fuss of honoring them.

But of course, Jesus’ real concern goes far beyond this. He’s thinking about the marriage feast of the Lamb, when Jesus comes in His glory and all His people join Him to celebrate in His kingdom (see Revelation 19:9). And just as with any wedding reception, there are many guests—and you can see what’s in their hearts by the way they behave before the event gets started.

There are some folks who make a big display of their faith. They have crosses everywhere, they are prominent in the local church, and they would never dream of eating in public without an obvious prayer. Everyone within earshot knows that they are Christians. Indeed, it is impossible to miss them—to judge from surface appearances, these people will be sitting right next to Jesus in His kingdom.

And then there are the quiet, humble people who don’t make much of a splash. They do the work—they run the food pantries, call the lonely, and quietly help out people in need with food or money. But they rarely get noticed, and they’re okay with that. They’re not fussing about their rank in heaven or their image here on earth. Their attention is somewhere else. Their hearts are in love with Jesus Christ, and everything they do, they do with gratitude to Him. They can never forget that He loved them enough to suffer, die, and rise for them—and to bring them to Himself to stay forever.

It’s clear which kind of Christian Jesus wants us to be. If our hearts are set on display, they won’t be set on Him. But if our hearts are set on Jesus, our seat at the table is guaranteed to be a close one. After all, who sits closest to the bridegroom? It’s the bride, isn’t it? The one who loves Him most.

WE PRAY: Dear Lord, set my heart on You. Amen.

This Daily Devotion was written by Dr. Kari Vo.

Reflection Questions:

1. What is the worst behavior you have seen at a wedding reception? The best?

2. Who is a Christian you know who really shows God’s love to other people?

3. Why do you think Jesus chose the image of a wedding feast to describe the time when we are with Him forever?

Today’s Bible Readings: 1 Chronicles 28-29    1 Corinthians 15:2

 Luther’s Morning Prayer

In the morning, as soon as you get out of bed, you are to make the Sign of the Cross and say:

“God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit watch over me. Amen.”

Then, kneeling or standing, say the Apostles’ Creed and the Lord’s Prayer. In addition recite this prayer as well:

“I give thanks to you, my heavenly Father through Jesus Christ your dear son, that you have protected me this night from all harm and danger, and I ask you that you would also protect me today from sin and all evil, so that my life and actions may please you completely. For into your hands I commend myself: my body, my soul, and all that is mine. Let your holy angel be with me, so that the wicked foe may have no power over me. Amen.”

After singing a hymn or whatever else may serve your devotion, you can go about your day joyfully!

 Luther’s Evening Prayer

In the evening, when you go to bed, you are to make the Sign of the Cross and say:

“God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit watch over me. Amen.”

Then, kneeling or standing, say the Apostles’ Creed and the Lord’s Prayer. In addition recite this prayer as well:

“I give thanks to you, my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ your dear Son, that you have graciously protected me today, and I ask you to forgive me all my sins, where I have done wrong, and graciously to protect me tonight. For into your hands I commend myself: my body, my soul, and all that is mine. Let your holy angel be with me, so that the wicked foe may have no power over me. Amen.”

You can now go to bed quickly and cheerfully.


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 A very blessed Thursday to everyone! For any needs or prayer requests, please contact us

Pastor Joel at