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January 2026


January 20, 2026
|Recurring Event (See all)

An event every year that begins at 12:00 am on day 20 of January, repeating indefinitely

None, 4510 North River Rd
Oceanside, CA 92058 United States

Sarah was the wife (and half-sister) of the Hebrew patriarch Abraham (Gen. 11:29; 20:12). In obedience to divine command (Gen. 12:1), she made the long and arduous journey west, along with her husband and his relatives, from Ur of the Chaldees to Haran and then finally to the land of Canaan. She remained childless until old age. Then, in keeping with God's long-standing promise, she gave birth to a son and heir of the covenant (Gen. 21: 1-3). She is…

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January 2027


January 20, 2027
|Recurring Event (See all)

An event every year that begins at 12:00 am on day 20 of January, repeating indefinitely

None, 4510 North River Rd
Oceanside, CA 92058 United States

Sarah was the wife (and half-sister) of the Hebrew patriarch Abraham (Gen. 11:29; 20:12). In obedience to divine command (Gen. 12:1), she made the long and arduous journey west, along with her husband and his relatives, from Ur of the Chaldees to Haran and then finally to the land of Canaan. She remained childless until old age. Then, in keeping with God's long-standing promise, she gave birth to a son and heir of the covenant (Gen. 21: 1-3). She is…

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