by svlchurch | Mar 21, 2027
Adult Bible Study, live and in person, at 9:00 in the chapel. Pastor Joel Luckemeyer will lead a topical...
by svlchurch | Mar 14, 2027
Adult Bible Study, live and in person, at 9:00 in the chapel. Pastor Joel Luckemeyer will lead a topical...
by svlchurch | Mar 7, 2027
Our “Kids Konnection” (aka Sunday School) meets First Sunday of each month during Pastors message. Don’t miss this opportunity for children to grow and learn! Our “club” is small, but we count this all VERY important! We have a dedicated group of teachers who are...
by svlchurch | Mar 7, 2027
Adult Bible Study, live and in person, at 9:00 in the chapel. Pastor Joel Luckemeyer will lead a topical...
by svlchurch | Feb 28, 2027
Adult Bible Study, live and in person, at 9:00 in the chapel. Pastor Joel Luckemeyer will lead a topical...