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4510 North River Rd
Oceanside, CA 92058 United States

January 2026

Jacob (Israel), Patriarch

January 5, 2026
|Recurring Event (See all)

An event every year that begins at 12:00 am on day 5 of January, repeating indefinitely

None, 4510 North River Rd
Oceanside, CA 92058 United States
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Jacob, the third of the three Hebrew patriarchs, was the younger of the twin sons of Isaac and Rebekah. After wrestling with the Angel of the Lord, Jacob, whose name means "deceiver," was renamed "Israel," which means "he strives with God" (Gen. 25:26; 32:28). His family life was filled with trouble, caused by his acts of deception toward his father and his brother Esau and his parental favoritism toward his son Joseph (March 31). Much of his adult life was…

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Aquila, Priscilla, Apollos

January 13, 2026
|Recurring Event (See all)

An event every year that begins at 12:00 am on day 13 of January, repeating indefinitely

None, 4510 North River Rd
Oceanside, CA 92058 United States

Aquila and his wife Priscilla (Prisca), Jewish contemporaries of St. Paul, traveled widely. Because of persecution in Rome, they went to Corinth where they met the apostle Paul, who joined them in their trade of tentmaking (Acts 18:1-3). They, in turn, joined him in his mission of proclaiming the Christian Gospel. The couple later traveled with Paul from Corinth to Ephesus (Acts 18:18), where the two of them established a home that served as hospitality headquarters for new converts to…

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John Chrysostom, Preacher

January 27, 2026
|Recurring Event (See all)

An event every year that begins at 12:00 am on day 27 of January, repeating indefinitely

None, 4510 North River Rd
Oceanside, CA 92058 United States

Given the added name of Chrysostom, which means "golden-mouthed" in Greek, Saint John was a dominant force in the fourth-century Christian church. Born in Antioch around the year 347, John was instructed in the Christian faith by his pious mother, Anthusa. After serving in a number of Christian offices, including acolyte and lector, John was ordained a presbyter and given preaching responsibilities. His simple but direct messages found an audience well beyond his home town. In 398, John Chrysostom was…

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February 2026

Polycarp of Smyrna, Pastor and Martyr

February 23, 2026
|Recurring Event (See all)

An event every year that begins at 12:00 am on day 23 of February, repeating indefinitely

None, 4510 North River Rd
Oceanside, CA 92058 United States

Born c. 69, Polycarp was a central figure in the early church. A disciple of the evangelist John, he linked the first generation of believers to later Christians. After serving for many years as bishop of Smyrna, Polycarp was arrested, tried, and executed for his faith on February 23, c. 156. An eyewitness narrative of his death, The Martyrdom of Polycarp, continues to encourage believers in times of persecution

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January 2027

Jacob (Israel), Patriarch

January 5, 2027
|Recurring Event (See all)

An event every year that begins at 12:00 am on day 5 of January, repeating indefinitely

None, 4510 North River Rd
Oceanside, CA 92058 United States
+ Google Map

Jacob, the third of the three Hebrew patriarchs, was the younger of the twin sons of Isaac and Rebekah. After wrestling with the Angel of the Lord, Jacob, whose name means "deceiver," was renamed "Israel," which means "he strives with God" (Gen. 25:26; 32:28). His family life was filled with trouble, caused by his acts of deception toward his father and his brother Esau and his parental favoritism toward his son Joseph (March 31). Much of his adult life was…

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Aquila, Priscilla, Apollos

January 13, 2027
|Recurring Event (See all)

An event every year that begins at 12:00 am on day 13 of January, repeating indefinitely

None, 4510 North River Rd
Oceanside, CA 92058 United States

Aquila and his wife Priscilla (Prisca), Jewish contemporaries of St. Paul, traveled widely. Because of persecution in Rome, they went to Corinth where they met the apostle Paul, who joined them in their trade of tentmaking (Acts 18:1-3). They, in turn, joined him in his mission of proclaiming the Christian Gospel. The couple later traveled with Paul from Corinth to Ephesus (Acts 18:18), where the two of them established a home that served as hospitality headquarters for new converts to…

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John Chrysostom, Preacher

January 27, 2027
|Recurring Event (See all)

An event every year that begins at 12:00 am on day 27 of January, repeating indefinitely

None, 4510 North River Rd
Oceanside, CA 92058 United States

Given the added name of Chrysostom, which means "golden-mouthed" in Greek, Saint John was a dominant force in the fourth-century Christian church. Born in Antioch around the year 347, John was instructed in the Christian faith by his pious mother, Anthusa. After serving in a number of Christian offices, including acolyte and lector, John was ordained a presbyter and given preaching responsibilities. His simple but direct messages found an audience well beyond his home town. In 398, John Chrysostom was…

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February 2027

Polycarp of Smyrna, Pastor and Martyr

February 23, 2027
|Recurring Event (See all)

An event every year that begins at 12:00 am on day 23 of February, repeating indefinitely

None, 4510 North River Rd
Oceanside, CA 92058 United States

Born c. 69, Polycarp was a central figure in the early church. A disciple of the evangelist John, he linked the first generation of believers to later Christians. After serving for many years as bishop of Smyrna, Polycarp was arrested, tried, and executed for his faith on February 23, c. 156. An eyewitness narrative of his death, The Martyrdom of Polycarp, continues to encourage believers in times of persecution

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