March 2022
Lutheran History
March 15, 1517: Needing money to rebuild St. Peter's Basilica, Pope Leo X announces a special sale of indulgences. A Dominican named Johann Tetzel led the way in promoting the sale in Germany and erroneously declared that indulgences would cover future sins (Leo's forgave all past sins). The teaching angered monk Martin Luther, who soon posted his 95 Theses in response (see issue 34: Luther's Early Years).
Find out more »Saint Patrick’s Day
March 17, 461 (traditional date): Patrick, missionary to Ireland and that country's patron saint, dies. Irish raiders captured Patrick, a Romanized Briton, and enslaved him as a youth. He escaped to Gaul (modern France) but returned to Ireland after experiencing a vision calling him back to preach. Patrick enjoyed great success there as a missionary, and only the far south remained predominantly pagan when he died
Find out more »Saint Joseph’s Day
St. Joseph’s Day is a feast day that honors Joseph, the husband of the Virgin Mary and stepfather of Jesus. It is celebrated on March 19 every year
Find out more »Lutheran History
German organist and composer Johann Sebastian Bach is born in Eisenach, Germany. Though largely unrecognized in his day and forgotten for years after his death, he has since become recognized as one of history's unequalled musical masters. But music was never just music to Bach. Nearly three-fourths of his 1,000 compositions were written for use in worship. Between his musical genius, his devotion to Christ, and the effect of his music, he has gained recognition in many circles as the…
Find out more »April 2022
Lutheran History
April 6, 1528: Albrecht Durer, German painter, engraver, and designer of woodcuts, dies. Famous for his religious scenes, he may have been so influenced by Luther (whom he called "the great Christian man who has helped me out of great anxieties") that he converted to Protestantism. His most popular work is "Praying Hands.
Find out more »Lutheran History
April 9, 1945: The Gestapo hangs German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer, after discovering his involvement in a failed plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler. Bonhoeffer's last recorded words were, "This is the end—for me, the beginning of life"
Find out more »Lutheran History
April 11, 1506: Pope Julius II lays the foundation for the new St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. Builders delayed its completion until 1626 due to its immense cost, size, and other factors. Indulgences sold to fund the construction drew criticism from Protestant reformers, most memorably Martin Luther
Find out more »Lutheran History
April 16, 1521: German reformer Martin Luther arrives at the Diet of Worms, convinced he would get the hearing he requested in 1517 to discuss the abuse of indulgences and his "95 Theses." He was astounded when he discovered it would not be a debate, but rather a judicial hearing to see if he wished to recant his words. In defending himself the next day, Luther said, "Unless I can be instructed and convinced with evidence from the Holy Scriptures…
Find out more »Easter Brunch Set-up
Property Improvement Event was postponed one week and now will be on Holy Saturday, April 16, 9:00 - Noon. We'll set up for the brunch, clean and prepare for the Easter Celebration and address a long list of other needs. YOUR participation would be greatly appreciated! Questions? Contact Bruce Woodward.
Find out more »Lutheran History
April 19, 1529: At the Diet of Speyer (Germany), princes and 14 cities draft a formal protest of Charles V's attempt to crush Lutheranism, defending religious freedom for religious minorities, e.g. those involved in the Reformation movement. From then on, the Reformers were known as "Protestants. April 19, 1560: German reformer Philip Melanchthon dies. The leader of the German reformation after the death of his friend, Martin Luther, Melanchthon composed the Augsburg Confession of 1530. Much more a peacemaker than Luther,…
Find out more »May 2022
Lutheran History
May 5, 1525: Frederick III, the elector of Saxony also called "Frederick the Wise," dies. An avid collector of relics and a supporter of modern scholarship (he founded the University of Wittenberg), Frederick protected Martin Luther after the Diet of Worms condemned the reformer
Find out more »Lutheran History
May 6, 1527: An army of barbarians who had been sent—but were no longer controlled—by Emperor Charles V sacks Rome. Many Protestants interpreted the attack as a divine rebuke, and some Catholics agreed: "We who should have been the salt of the earth decayed until we were good for nothing," wrote Cardinal Cajetan, Luther's adversary. "Everyone is convinced that all this has happened as a judgment of God on the great tyranny and disorders of the papal court.
Find out more »Congregational Meeting
Ministry Teams On May 22, we will hold our Semi-Annual Congregational meeting. In May of every even-numbered year, all of our Teams begin afresh. The members of the past are thanked and excused. New Team Leaders are chosen, and new teams formed. Some from the past volunteer again, some move to other teams, and some new people step forward. Our Ministry Teams are: -Growth & Outreach (REACH): This team seeks to promote and be instruments for growth in membership and…
Find out more »June 2022
Fellowship Team Meeting
We do the fun stuff! We empower things like the fellowship time after church, lunch outings or potlucks after that, and other fun things like Thankfeast, Easter Brunch, pizza/bowling and more! . We'll be gathering ideas and do some planning... we need you!
Find out more »Lutheran History
June 13, 1525: German reformer Martin Luther marries Katherine von Bora, 16 years his younger, having sneaked her and several other nuns out of their Cistercian convent in empty herring barrels two years earlier. Many viewed the marriage, which lasted 21 happy years, as a scandal (see issue 39: Luther's Later Years).
Find out more »Lutheran History
June 25, 1530: Lutherans present their summary of faith, known as Confession of Augsburg, to Emperor Charles V. Philipp Melanchthon did most of the work preparing it, but it was not presented until it received Martin Luther's approval (see issue 39: Luther's Later Years).
Find out more »Lutheran History
June 25, 1580: On the fiftieth anniversary of the Confession of Augsburg, Lutherans publish the Book of Concord, which contains all the official confessions of the Lutheran Church, in German.
Find out more »July 2022
Lutheran History
July 2, 1505: A rain storm in Germany helps launch the Protestant Reformation. While returning from a trip to visit his parents, Martin Luther (then a law student) was caught in a violent thunderstorm near Stotternheim. Fearing for his life, he cried, "Help me, St. Anne! I will become a monk!" Within two weeks, he made good on his promise
Find out more »Lutheran History
July 16, 1519: The Disputation of Leipzig, in which Martin Luther argued that church councils had been wrong and that the church did not have ultimate doctrinal authority, ends. The Leipzig Debate (German: Leipziger Disputation) was a theological disputation originally between Andreas Karlstadt, Martin Luther, and Johann Eck. Karlstadt, the dean of the Wittenberg theological faculty, felt that he had to defend Luther against Eck's critical commentary on the 95 theses and so challenged Johann Eck, a professor of theology at the University of Ingolstadt, to a public debate…
Find out more »Eat-O-Vision
Movie/Dinner Come enjoy the movie "Meet Me in St Louis" and foods that go with the movie! Bring Friends!
Find out more »Lutheran History
July 17, 1505: Martin Luther enters the Augustinian monastic order at Erfurt, Germany, at age 21
Find out more »August 2022
Lutheran History
August 11, 1519: Johann Tetzel, the German Dominican priest whose peddling of indulgences inspired Martin Luther to write his 95 Theses, dies. Throughout Germany he infamously preached, "As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs." Even the papal envoy eventually criticized him. As for Luther, though he once called Tetzel "the primary author of this tragedy," when he heard Tetzel lay dying, wrote the friar a letter of comfort: "Don't take it too hard. You…
Find out more »Painting Class
Sunday, August 14 is the day we will start our paint class again. I hope you are as excited as I am to get back in the 'swing of things'. Many of you have shown interest in painting again. It's been too long, and I appreciate every one of you that been loyal and have waited so patiently. This month class will be on the 2nd Sunday but starting next month it will be the first Sunday again. We are…
Find out more »Christian History
August 24, 1456: The second volume of the Gutenberg Bible is bound in Mainz, Germany. This act completes a two-year project to create the first complete book printed with movable type.
Find out more »Christian History
August 29, 29: Since the fifth century, tradition has this as the date for the death of John the Baptist. August 29, 70: Romans burn the gates, enter the Temple courtyards of Jerusalem, and destroy the temple by fire. Within three years, Jewish resistance ends in a seige of the Herodian fortress of Massada. Rather than be captured or executed, the zealots committed suicide when it became clear that the Romans would soon breach the walls.
Find out more »September 2022
Grandparents Day
Grandparents' Day or National Grandparents' Day is a secular holiday celebrated second Sunday in September. It is celebrated to show the bond between grandparents and grandchildren. Congress passed the legislation proclaiming the first Sunday after Labor Day as National Grandparents' Day in the U.S. and, on August 3, 1978, then-President Jimmy Carter signed the proclamation. Forget-me-not The flower of the U.S. National Grandparents Day is the forget-me-not which blooms in the spring. As a result, seasonal flowers are given in appreciation to grandparents on this day.
Find out more »October 2022
November 2022
All Member Meeting
Our Congregational Meeting will be immediately following worship. This is a bi-annual meeting to discuss important church business. Please plan to attend!
Find out more »December 2022
January 2023
Adult Bible Study
Adult Bible Study, live and in person, at 9:00 in the chapel. Pastor Joel Luckemeyer will lead a topical study.
Find out more »Streamed Worship Service
Our online streaming for those away For those away from the Oceanside area, we're continuing to stream the service. It will be uploaded at BOTH our Facebook page AND our website about Noon or so. If you use the Facebook page, be aware that MANY videos of our services for the months are there so be sure you are watching the right video. You can find the stream on our Facebook Page at: Come and check us out!
Find out more »Indoor Worship
. Communion is celebrated every Sunday. If you have never celebrated this with us, we invite you to speak with the pastor before communing. We welcome those who are baptized, who are repentant, and who believe that Christ is truly present in the bread and wine. Young children and those seeking a blessing instead are welcome to come forward, arms crossed. We use wine, but we have some white grape juice also available for those who should avoid wine. We…
Find out more »Fellowship Time
Back by Popular Demand! Refreshments return to our Fellowship time after worship! Fellowship Returns! Shepherd of the Valley is a friendly church! We embrace each other and LOVE to talk with each other! It's a good thing... and we greatly encourage it. Of course, we are also in this pandemic and so need to enjoy this time SAFELY. Goodies will return this Sunday and sign-ups will be out for future weeks. Some things to keep in mind: + Think outdoor…
Find out more »Men’s Bible Study
Find out more »Property Improvement Event
Property Improvement Event (aka "work party") is SATURDAY. Gardening, cleaning, repairs, improvements...something for all ages and abilities! Please come and help! Questions? Call Bruce...
Find out more »Adult Bible Study
Adult Bible Study, live and in person, at 9:00 in the chapel. Pastor Joel Luckemeyer will lead a topical study.
Find out more »Streamed Worship Service
Our online streaming for those away For those away from the Oceanside area, we're continuing to stream the service. It will be uploaded at BOTH our Facebook page AND our website about Noon or so. If you use the Facebook page, be aware that MANY videos of our services for the months are there so be sure you are watching the right video. You can find the stream on our Facebook Page at: Come and check us out!
Find out more »Indoor Worship
. Communion is celebrated every Sunday. If you have never celebrated this with us, we invite you to speak with the pastor before communing. We welcome those who are baptized, who are repentant, and who believe that Christ is truly present in the bread and wine. Young children and those seeking a blessing instead are welcome to come forward, arms crossed. We use wine, but we have some white grape juice also available for those who should avoid wine. We…
Find out more »Fellowship Time
Back by Popular Demand! Refreshments return to our Fellowship time after worship! Fellowship Returns! Shepherd of the Valley is a friendly church! We embrace each other and LOVE to talk with each other! It's a good thing... and we greatly encourage it. Of course, we are also in this pandemic and so need to enjoy this time SAFELY. Goodies will return this Sunday and sign-ups will be out for future weeks. Some things to keep in mind: + Think outdoor…
Find out more »Adult Bible Study
Adult Bible Study, live and in person, at 9:00 in the chapel. Pastor Joel Luckemeyer will lead a topical study.
Find out more »Streamed Worship Service
Our online streaming for those away For those away from the Oceanside area, we're continuing to stream the service. It will be uploaded at BOTH our Facebook page AND our website about Noon or so. If you use the Facebook page, be aware that MANY videos of our services for the months are there so be sure you are watching the right video. You can find the stream on our Facebook Page at: Come and check us out!
Find out more »Indoor Worship
. Communion is celebrated every Sunday. If you have never celebrated this with us, we invite you to speak with the pastor before communing. We welcome those who are baptized, who are repentant, and who believe that Christ is truly present in the bread and wine. Young children and those seeking a blessing instead are welcome to come forward, arms crossed. We use wine, but we have some white grape juice also available for those who should avoid wine. We…
Find out more »Fellowship Time
Back by Popular Demand! Refreshments return to our Fellowship time after worship! Fellowship Returns! Shepherd of the Valley is a friendly church! We embrace each other and LOVE to talk with each other! It's a good thing... and we greatly encourage it. Of course, we are also in this pandemic and so need to enjoy this time SAFELY. Goodies will return this Sunday and sign-ups will be out for future weeks. Some things to keep in mind: + Think outdoor…
Find out more »Adult Bible Study
Adult Bible Study, live and in person, at 9:00 in the chapel. Pastor Joel Luckemeyer will lead a topical study.
Find out more »Streamed Worship Service
Our online streaming for those away For those away from the Oceanside area, we're continuing to stream the service. It will be uploaded at BOTH our Facebook page AND our website about Noon or so. If you use the Facebook page, be aware that MANY videos of our services for the months are there so be sure you are watching the right video. You can find the stream on our Facebook Page at: Come and check us out!
Find out more »Indoor Worship
. Communion is celebrated every Sunday. If you have never celebrated this with us, we invite you to speak with the pastor before communing. We welcome those who are baptized, who are repentant, and who believe that Christ is truly present in the bread and wine. Young children and those seeking a blessing instead are welcome to come forward, arms crossed. We use wine, but we have some white grape juice also available for those who should avoid wine. We…
Find out more »Fellowship Time
Back by Popular Demand! Refreshments return to our Fellowship time after worship! Fellowship Returns! Shepherd of the Valley is a friendly church! We embrace each other and LOVE to talk with each other! It's a good thing... and we greatly encourage it. Of course, we are also in this pandemic and so need to enjoy this time SAFELY. Goodies will return this Sunday and sign-ups will be out for future weeks. Some things to keep in mind: + Think outdoor…
Find out more »February 2023
Adult Bible Study
Adult Bible Study, live and in person, at 9:00 in the chapel. Pastor Joel Luckemeyer will lead a topical study.
Find out more »Streamed Worship Service
Our online streaming for those away For those away from the Oceanside area, we're continuing to stream the service. It will be uploaded at BOTH our Facebook page AND our website about Noon or so. If you use the Facebook page, be aware that MANY videos of our services for the months are there so be sure you are watching the right video. You can find the stream on our Facebook Page at: Come and check us out!
Find out more »Indoor Worship
. Communion is celebrated every Sunday. If you have never celebrated this with us, we invite you to speak with the pastor before communing. We welcome those who are baptized, who are repentant, and who believe that Christ is truly present in the bread and wine. Young children and those seeking a blessing instead are welcome to come forward, arms crossed. We use wine, but we have some white grape juice also available for those who should avoid wine. We…
Find out more »Fellowship Time
Back by Popular Demand! Refreshments return to our Fellowship time after worship! Fellowship Returns! Shepherd of the Valley is a friendly church! We embrace each other and LOVE to talk with each other! It's a good thing... and we greatly encourage it. Of course, we are also in this pandemic and so need to enjoy this time SAFELY. Goodies will return this Sunday and sign-ups will be out for future weeks. Some things to keep in mind: + Think outdoor…
Find out more »Men’s Bible Study
Find out more »Property Improvement Event
Property Improvement Event (aka "work party") is SATURDAY. Gardening, cleaning, repairs, improvements...something for all ages and abilities! Please come and help! Questions? Call Bruce...
Find out more »Adult Bible Study
Adult Bible Study, live and in person, at 9:00 in the chapel. Pastor Joel Luckemeyer will lead a topical study.
Find out more »Streamed Worship Service
Our online streaming for those away For those away from the Oceanside area, we're continuing to stream the service. It will be uploaded at BOTH our Facebook page AND our website about Noon or so. If you use the Facebook page, be aware that MANY videos of our services for the months are there so be sure you are watching the right video. You can find the stream on our Facebook Page at: Come and check us out!
Find out more »Indoor Worship
. Communion is celebrated every Sunday. If you have never celebrated this with us, we invite you to speak with the pastor before communing. We welcome those who are baptized, who are repentant, and who believe that Christ is truly present in the bread and wine. Young children and those seeking a blessing instead are welcome to come forward, arms crossed. We use wine, but we have some white grape juice also available for those who should avoid wine. We…
Find out more »Fellowship Time
Back by Popular Demand! Refreshments return to our Fellowship time after worship! Fellowship Returns! Shepherd of the Valley is a friendly church! We embrace each other and LOVE to talk with each other! It's a good thing... and we greatly encourage it. Of course, we are also in this pandemic and so need to enjoy this time SAFELY. Goodies will return this Sunday and sign-ups will be out for future weeks. Some things to keep in mind: + Think outdoor…
Find out more »Martin Luther, Doctor and Confessor
Martin Luther, born on November 10, 1483, in Eisleben, Germany, initially began studies leading toward a degree in law. However, after a close encounter with death, he switched to the study of theology, entered an Augustinian monastery, was ordained a priest in 1505, and received a doctorate in theology in 1512. As a professor at the newly-established University of Wittenberg, his scriptural studies led him to question many of the church's teachings and practices, especially the selling of indulgences. His…
Find out more »Adult Bible Study
Adult Bible Study, live and in person, at 9:00 in the chapel. Pastor Joel Luckemeyer will lead a topical study.
Find out more »Streamed Worship Service
Our online streaming for those away For those away from the Oceanside area, we're continuing to stream the service. It will be uploaded at BOTH our Facebook page AND our website about Noon or so. If you use the Facebook page, be aware that MANY videos of our services for the months are there so be sure you are watching the right video. You can find the stream on our Facebook Page at: Come and check us out!
Find out more »Indoor Worship
. Communion is celebrated every Sunday. If you have never celebrated this with us, we invite you to speak with the pastor before communing. We welcome those who are baptized, who are repentant, and who believe that Christ is truly present in the bread and wine. Young children and those seeking a blessing instead are welcome to come forward, arms crossed. We use wine, but we have some white grape juice also available for those who should avoid wine. We…
Find out more »Fellowship Time
Back by Popular Demand! Refreshments return to our Fellowship time after worship! Fellowship Returns! Shepherd of the Valley is a friendly church! We embrace each other and LOVE to talk with each other! It's a good thing... and we greatly encourage it. Of course, we are also in this pandemic and so need to enjoy this time SAFELY. Goodies will return this Sunday and sign-ups will be out for future weeks. Some things to keep in mind: + Think outdoor…
Find out more »Adult Bible Study
Adult Bible Study, live and in person, at 9:00 in the chapel. Pastor Joel Luckemeyer will lead a topical study.
Find out more »Streamed Worship Service
Our online streaming for those away For those away from the Oceanside area, we're continuing to stream the service. It will be uploaded at BOTH our Facebook page AND our website about Noon or so. If you use the Facebook page, be aware that MANY videos of our services for the months are there so be sure you are watching the right video. You can find the stream on our Facebook Page at: Come and check us out!
Find out more »Indoor Worship
. Communion is celebrated every Sunday. If you have never celebrated this with us, we invite you to speak with the pastor before communing. We welcome those who are baptized, who are repentant, and who believe that Christ is truly present in the bread and wine. Young children and those seeking a blessing instead are welcome to come forward, arms crossed. We use wine, but we have some white grape juice also available for those who should avoid wine. We…
Find out more »Fellowship Time
Back by Popular Demand! Refreshments return to our Fellowship time after worship! Fellowship Returns! Shepherd of the Valley is a friendly church! We embrace each other and LOVE to talk with each other! It's a good thing... and we greatly encourage it. Of course, we are also in this pandemic and so need to enjoy this time SAFELY. Goodies will return this Sunday and sign-ups will be out for future weeks. Some things to keep in mind: + Think outdoor…
Find out more »March 2023
Lenten Worship
We’re looking at the Book of Jonah in a series “One Greater than Jonah.” Don’t miss it! It is preceded by an informal potluck at 6:00 in the Community Building.
Find out more »Adult Bible Study
Adult Bible Study, live and in person, at 9:00 in the chapel. Pastor Joel Luckemeyer will lead a topical study.
Find out more »Streamed Worship Service
Our online streaming for those away For those away from the Oceanside area, we're continuing to stream the service. It will be uploaded at BOTH our Facebook page AND our website about Noon or so. If you use the Facebook page, be aware that MANY videos of our services for the months are there so be sure you are watching the right video. You can find the stream on our Facebook Page at: Come and check us out!
Find out more »Indoor Worship
. Communion is celebrated every Sunday. If you have never celebrated this with us, we invite you to speak with the pastor before communing. We welcome those who are baptized, who are repentant, and who believe that Christ is truly present in the bread and wine. Young children and those seeking a blessing instead are welcome to come forward, arms crossed. We use wine, but we have some white grape juice also available for those who should avoid wine. We…
Find out more »Fellowship Time
Back by Popular Demand! Refreshments return to our Fellowship time after worship! Fellowship Returns! Shepherd of the Valley is a friendly church! We embrace each other and LOVE to talk with each other! It's a good thing... and we greatly encourage it. Of course, we are also in this pandemic and so need to enjoy this time SAFELY. Goodies will return this Sunday and sign-ups will be out for future weeks. Some things to keep in mind: + Think outdoor…
Find out more »Pam’s Color Pallet
Here is the painting for the first Sunday, March 5, 2023. I did this in a hurry, but I promise it will be better for class. I hope you are interested! Please let me know by Friday, March 3. As you know, the class is $25 at the church.
Find out more »Lenten Worship
We’re looking at the Book of Jonah in a series “One Greater than Jonah.” Don’t miss it! It is preceded by an informal potluck at 6:00 in the Community Building.
Find out more »Men’s Bible Study
Find out more »Property Improvement Event
Property Improvement Event (aka "work party") is SATURDAY. Gardening, cleaning, repairs, improvements...something for all ages and abilities! Please come and help! Questions? Call Bruce...
Find out more »Adult Bible Study
Adult Bible Study, live and in person, at 9:00 in the chapel. Pastor Joel Luckemeyer will lead a topical study.
Find out more »Streamed Worship Service
Our online streaming for those away For those away from the Oceanside area, we're continuing to stream the service. It will be uploaded at BOTH our Facebook page AND our website about Noon or so. If you use the Facebook page, be aware that MANY videos of our services for the months are there so be sure you are watching the right video. You can find the stream on our Facebook Page at: Come and check us out!
Find out more »Indoor Worship
. Communion is celebrated every Sunday. If you have never celebrated this with us, we invite you to speak with the pastor before communing. We welcome those who are baptized, who are repentant, and who believe that Christ is truly present in the bread and wine. Young children and those seeking a blessing instead are welcome to come forward, arms crossed. We use wine, but we have some white grape juice also available for those who should avoid wine. We…
Find out more »Fellowship Time
Back by Popular Demand! Refreshments return to our Fellowship time after worship! Fellowship Returns! Shepherd of the Valley is a friendly church! We embrace each other and LOVE to talk with each other! It's a good thing... and we greatly encourage it. Of course, we are also in this pandemic and so need to enjoy this time SAFELY. Goodies will return this Sunday and sign-ups will be out for future weeks. Some things to keep in mind: + Think outdoor…
Find out more »Lutheran History
March 15, 1517: Needing money to rebuild St. Peter's Basilica, Pope Leo X announces a special sale of indulgences. A Dominican named Johann Tetzel led the way in promoting the sale in Germany and erroneously declared that indulgences would cover future sins (Leo's forgave all past sins). The teaching angered monk Martin Luther, who soon posted his 95 Theses in response (see issue 34: Luther's Early Years).
Find out more »Lenten Worship
We’re looking at the Book of Jonah in a series “One Greater than Jonah.” Don’t miss it! It is preceded by an informal potluck at 6:00 in the Community Building.
Find out more »Saint Patrick’s Day
March 17, 461 (traditional date): Patrick, missionary to Ireland and that country's patron saint, dies. Irish raiders captured Patrick, a Romanized Briton, and enslaved him as a youth. He escaped to Gaul (modern France) but returned to Ireland after experiencing a vision calling him back to preach. Patrick enjoyed great success there as a missionary, and only the far south remained predominantly pagan when he died
Find out more »Saint Joseph’s Day
St. Joseph’s Day is a feast day that honors Joseph, the husband of the Virgin Mary and stepfather of Jesus. It is celebrated on March 19 every year
Find out more »Adult Bible Study
Adult Bible Study, live and in person, at 9:00 in the chapel. Pastor Joel Luckemeyer will lead a topical study.
Find out more »Streamed Worship Service
Our online streaming for those away For those away from the Oceanside area, we're continuing to stream the service. It will be uploaded at BOTH our Facebook page AND our website about Noon or so. If you use the Facebook page, be aware that MANY videos of our services for the months are there so be sure you are watching the right video. You can find the stream on our Facebook Page at: Come and check us out!
Find out more »Indoor Worship
. Communion is celebrated every Sunday. If you have never celebrated this with us, we invite you to speak with the pastor before communing. We welcome those who are baptized, who are repentant, and who believe that Christ is truly present in the bread and wine. Young children and those seeking a blessing instead are welcome to come forward, arms crossed. We use wine, but we have some white grape juice also available for those who should avoid wine. We…
Find out more »Fellowship Time
Back by Popular Demand! Refreshments return to our Fellowship time after worship! Fellowship Returns! Shepherd of the Valley is a friendly church! We embrace each other and LOVE to talk with each other! It's a good thing... and we greatly encourage it. Of course, we are also in this pandemic and so need to enjoy this time SAFELY. Goodies will return this Sunday and sign-ups will be out for future weeks. Some things to keep in mind: + Think outdoor…
Find out more »